I greet you readers!
Today I want to show you something that amazes me every single time I listen to it.
The song is called Movie Screens and is performed by the band Midas Fall, who started in 2009. Although they are a relatively new band, they already enjoy great popularity and played in several major european cities.Their style is described as Postrock. The usage of for example synths, piano or simply the beautiful voice of Elizabeth Heatons' they create very dense and atmospheric songs.
This song is their absolute best performance. It starts slow and gains more power as the song goes on.
It electrifies you with every second that passes leading to a greater final where emotions finally explode. When the song ends it leaves a void. Imagine seeing the most beautiful flower you've ever seen and think of never seeing it again. That would be really tragic but fortunately we can listen to it over and over again ;-)
However, this song creates an affection that I rarely experience. The density and atmosphere is way to high so you can't just "listen" to it. This is a living piece of music. Almost extraterrestial.
Art at its' best.
Thanks to Duy for showing me this! Keep on rollin'!